Me, a superhero?
“Manifest anything you want with positive thinking and the Law of Attraction,” you read every day on the internet. “Yeah, right. What a crazy idea!” you think, “Who are you kidding?” On the other hand, you continue reading the lines because you enjoy the idea of being a Law of Attraction genie in a magic lamp.
“I can get anything I wish, anytime!” sounds to you like the ancient Greek god Zeus and now your imagination starts running wild because you have always suspected you had some sort of superior power hidden somewhere inside you.
“I could be a little Captain Awesome,” you think. It feels like a deeply satisfying dream where you cleverly use such a powerful belief to achieve success and money, physical health, loving relationships, and so many more positive things in your own life.
And so you keep wondering about the truth behind the Law of Attraction. You can’t help it but all sounds quite obscure to you. If only a positive mindset is necessary to attract all you want wouldn’t everybody be rich and happy?

It’s not for everybody
Let’s be clear. Most people don’t believe in theory or thought concepts if the results are not immediately visible. They are simply not willing to invest time and focus on something that can not yet be seen. The Law of Attraction principles sounds like a foreign language to them. So they don’t even give it a shot.
Sometimes they read a Law of Attraction book or two and they understand the basic concept but a couple of weeks later their focus turns back to priorities and social obligations of daily life. Quickly their aim for improvement of their own reality and fulfilled personal wishes are put aside to focus on what’s seemingly more important.
It is as author Napoleon Hill stated in 1937: The vast majority of people are born, grow up, struggle and go through life in misery and failure, not realizing that it would be just as easy to switch over and get exactly what they want out of life, not recognizing that the mind attracts the thing it dwells upon.
If you ask around what most people want in their lives they would tell you they want to be in a loving relationship, have enough money to do all the stuff they want to do, and generally want to be happy and healthy.
When you ask them how they intend to accomplish this task the standard reply is to work hard, save money, and hope for the best.
There is nothing inertly wrong with this answer, of course. The question however is: Is there an easier way to do this?
What if by acknowledging and purposefully directing your power of thought toward your desire in a certain way, you could release much hardship and speed up the journey to your dreams fulfilled? Wouldn’t that be ubercool?

The Law of Attraction explained
The Law of Attraction means what you put out you get back. Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs constantly emit vibrations in specific frequencies which attract things, circumstances, and events that are in harmony with these frequencies. Vibrations with the same frequency are drawn to each other. In short, like attracts like.
Everyone, including scientists, accepts that you are a vibrational being living in a vibrational expanding universe. Furthermore, modern science tells us that everything is energy.
Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and your former high school physics teacher would without question agree. Energy is the building block of all matter which is ever-changing and evolving. Hence, you are living in an ocean of constant motion, so to speak.
Every single thing in the universe, which includes your thoughts, toothbrush, dog, relationships, job, and stepmother, is vibrating at a particular frequency all the time. You can’t stop it.
Vibrations are what define you and everything else. So, in your case, it’s not necessarily what you say, do, or have. It’s what you are (what frequency you emit) that designs your life experience.
The law of attraction is about resonance
In the same way, plucking a string on one guitar will cause a string on a nearby guitar tuned to the same note to also vibrate. They are in harmony. You ever only get what resonates with your vibrations.
If you genuinely understood the last sentence you could stop reading this article and be on your way. But it’s not that easy, isn’t it? For example, how do you vibrate in the exact frequency as that of your desire such as love, prosperity, and health?
How about relationships? Or a blissful work life? How do you control your emotions? Positive self-talk and some positive affirmations alone won’t do it.
This and much more we teach in our Law of Attraction Masterclasses. and in our Law of Attraction Workshop.

The law of attraction today
Unfortunately, many are blinded to the potential to, for example, naturally expect to attract money, physical health, and effortless success in their lives.
Too often I hear people say with a dismissing demeanor that they don’t believe in the Law of Attraction. That Law of Attraction is defined by a bunch of new-thought yahoos who try to convince the planet that all you have to do to achieve wealth, happiness, success, relationships, etc., is to sit on a couch and think positive thoughts all day long.
But there is so much more to it.
In fact, despite the eternal existence of the universal Law of Attraction in this universe, this new thought has remained some sort of a secret throughout history.
Although many well-known writers, artists, scientists, and new thought thinkers, including Shakespeare et al, have written about it more than 99% of the world’s population have either never heard of it or dismissed it as a temporary fad.
Until recently, most individuals had no idea how much effect the Law of Attraction had on their daily lives. However, with the help of the new thought niche markets, mainstream media, movies, and celebrities this is about to change.
More and more people become aware that they experience the manifestation of something that they imagined beforehand.
Science & the Law of Attraction
When you come to think of it, how much in the world is true for you without needing a scientific paper? Plenty, right? And why? Because your life experience taught you what works and what doesn’t.
There are plenty of scientific papers out there however do you really need to study them to know what works for you and what does not?
If you touch fire you feel the effect. If you fall from a tree you feel the effect. If you are rude to your employer you feel the effect.
Words do not teach. Only life experience teaches.
No matter what you are told by anybody it all is still just a theory to you. Unless you start experimenting yourself. This is the only right track.

Classic Law of Attraction Books
The principle of the Law of Attraction has been taught for ages in various philosophical and religious traditions, especially in Hermeticism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Hinduism.
The first American writer to mention the principle of the Law of Attraction was Prentice Mulford in 1886. A central figure in the development of New Thought thinking, he examines the law at length in his essay “The Law of Success”.
In 1897, Ralph Waldo Trine wrote the book: “In Tune with the Infinite.” He states, “The Law of Attraction works unceasingly throughout the universe, and the one great and never changing fact in connection with it is, as we have found, that like attracts like.“
English writer James Allen who is best known for writing the book “As a Man Thinketh” wrote a series of Law of Attraction books and articles between 1901 and 1912.
In 1904 Thomas Troward gave a lecture in which he claimed that thought precedes physical form and “the action of mind plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward visible form.“
Emmet Fox wrote about metaphysics and the power of prayer in essays and books in 1906. In the books “Power Through Constructive Thinking” and “Find and Use your Inner Power” Fox speaks about “building the mental equivalent of what you want and to expunge those that you don’t.”
In the same year author William Walker Atkinson used the phrase “Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World,” stating that “like attracts like“.
In 1907, Bruce MacLelland’s “Prosperity Through Thought Force”, summarizes the principle as “You are what you think, not what you think you are.“
In “The Science of Getting Rich” Wallace D. Wattles (1910) espoused similar principles — that simply believing in the object of your desire and focusing on it will lead to that object or goal being realized on the material plane. He also claims negative thinking will manifest negative results.
Napoleon Hill published two books on the theme. The first, “The Law of Success in 16 Lessons” (1928), directly and repeatedly references the Law of Attraction and suggests that it operates by use of radio waves transmitted by the brain. The second, “Think and Grow Rich” (1937), went on to sell 100 million copies by 2015. Hill insisted on the importance of controlling one’s own thoughts in order to achieve success, as well as the energy that thoughts have and their ability to attract other thoughts.
Israel Regardie published books with the law of attraction theme as one of his prevailing Universal Laws. In, “The Art of True Healing: A Treatise on the Mechanism of Prayer and the Operation of the Law of Attraction in Nature” (1937), he taught a focused meditation technique to help the mind to learn to heal itself on a physical and spiritual level.
In 1960, W. Clement Stone and Napoleon Hill co-wrote “Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude”.
In his 1988 “The American Myth of Success,” Richard Weiss states that the principle of non-resistance is a popular concept of the New Thought movement and is taught in conjunction with the law of attraction.
In “Seth Speaks” (1963) the non-physical being Seth channeled through Jane Roberts, states that you create your own reality. Events are not things that happen to you. They are materialized experiences formed by you, according to your expectations and beliefs.”
Esther and Jerry Hicks’ book “Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness” (2008) appeared on the New York Times Best Seller list.
In 2006 Rhonda Byrne published the book “The Secret” which emphasizes that your thoughts are things. This book, originally initiated by Esther and Jerry Hicks, became well-known and many Law of Attraction books were published by various writers since then.

Miguel Kirjon
AMAYEN Founder & Life Coach
Miguel has coached hundreds of international clients for over 20 years, teaching essential time-proven practices to transform their lives towards growth, love, and freedom. Your life is about to get supercharged in a delightful way!
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