Why haven’t you yet found a fulfilling relationship? My best guess is that you are unknowingly stepping on your toes during your search mission for a partner.
Have you ever slept with someone after a night of drinks and excitement only to wake up the next morning and regret it? It’s because you were not connecting on a vibrational level when you met, that’s why.
But you try again and again. Your dreams are filled with cravings. You want to fill that void inside you. This loop can last for years or even a lifetime. Don’t go that way. It’s no fun. And it’s pointless. As you know, the world is packed with these kinds of experiences.
You don’t know what exactly you do wrong. All you know is that you keep getting the same unsatisfying results. You are not aware that you got the whole finding true love thing backward.
Let’s change that!
Forget searching for a life partner. It’s a dead end. Why? Because you can’t find something if you believe it’s lost.
Stop looking on the outside for the perfect partner. Take a shortcut that works flawlessly and takes little time. It’s so obvious and yet, few people are aware of it.
We are talking about the Law of Attraction.
Whether you want to manifest love affairs, life partnerships, or marriage the Law of Attraction is a tremendously effective tool to manifest an ideal relationship once you know how it works.
Don’t follow the norm
You can find an enormous amount of material about love and its ups and downs on the internet. In addition, thousands of books have been written over time regarding this subject.
You should do this and you shouldn’t do that, society keeps telling you in various colors when it comes to love and relationships. You are confused and you don’t know better than to follow the common path like everybody else.
However, the meaning of love is still widely misunderstood and often preached in the most obscure but socially accepted ways. Just think about the music and movie industry with their broken love fairytales and beliefs that keep telling you an entirely different story day in, and day out.
But now it’s time to put an end to all of this nonsense. I trust this article will help to clarify some points.
Are relationships important?
The main reason you want to manifest love and have relationships is to fill the void you feel by being alone. Something seems to be missing. You can feel it. And you are right.
Relationships play a highly important part in our life experience on this planet. They vibrationally inspire, enrich, and teach us while stimulating joy and growth. Most people choose interpersonal relationships while others prefer kinships with animals, religion, nature, etc.
They contribute to the evolution and expansion of you and the Universe. It’s part of the reason why you came into this time-space reality called life on earth in the first place.
With this in mind, let’s get something straight first:
I know, I know, that sounds ridiculous, but hear me out. I promise you will understand where I’m coming from shortly.
What is love? Love is pure alignment with the essence of what you are. Period.
Sounds rather esoteric, doesn’t it? What it means is that when you become one with Source Energy, also known as your Inner Being, God, Buddha, Soul, All that Is, Consciousness, etc., you are in complete harmony with the Universe.
Then you are in love. That’s the very first important step.
That state of being is utterly beautiful, joyful, peaceful, and powerful. With the risk of sounding like a religious knucklehead I’m telling you, it doesn’t get better than that.
This has nothing to do with any religious beliefs but it has everything to do with energies, vibrations, and frequencies.
The qualities are indescribable. And with the practical methods described in our Law of Attraction masterclass, it is doable for anyone with ease.
And now it comes:
It gets even better
The cool thing about this is that you can top that beautiful feeling when you are in a relationship with another person. When both partners are in love with themselves and come together they multiply their energies to incredible heights.
Now that’s a partnership worth experiencing! If both partners completely support and respect each other to be individually all they can be the relationship gets never boring. Passion, spontaneity, fun, and growth are natural results.
Blame, expectations, jealousy, and anger will be a thing of the past if you are willing to walk in this direction.
Again, firstly it’s about you being in total harmony with yourself. And secondly, a relationship only underlines and enriches what you have going on for yourself.
You can learn how to do that in our Law of Attraction Masterclass.
Learn how to manifest love and everything else in your life through your deliberate thoughts and focus. In other words, through your vibrational output. That’s all it takes.
That’s good news, don’t you think? It’s brilliant because this means there is no need at all to go for nightly treasure hunts in the hope to find the right one like a needle in a haystack.
You have all the resources and power needed to figure out the shortcut to your ideal partner. All you have to do is practice and line up your energy properly.
As Albert Einstein said: The Law of Attraction is not a philosophy. It’s basic physics.
Let’s say you feel vulnerable and insecure most of the time. Your vibrational frequency is on a low level. The Law of Attraction dictates that the vibration you emit magnetically draws a vibrational match to you.
That can be anything from an unhelpful coworker, disloyal friend, sad events, unfortunate circumstances, and more.
Unconsciously you manifest a specific person who vibrates at the same low frequency and who will most likely, in this case, take advantage of you.
If you are generally moody and sensitive to criticism you will attract people and circumstances that will push your emotional buttons.
If you are constantly afraid of the world and believe everyone is out to get you you will attract, i.e., experiences such as robbery, fraud, and viral diseases even if you have triple locks on your door and are especially careful when dealing with people.
If you believe in the idea that porn is the work of the devil, sex is dirty and only to be experienced in the dark you will attract someone with the same mindset or someone who strongly challenges you on that subject.
The same law applies if you have and visualize a positive outlook. When believing in good things positive stuff comes back to you. By focusing on happiness and new good-feeling experiences you attract a whole different manifestation. One that will please you.
If you feel most of the time, i.e., relaxed and happy you will attract a partner with the same positive thinking attitude.
Can you see the correlation between your thoughts and feelings and what kind of person you manifest? So, your top priority must be to first become what you seek in your mate!
Love is your alignment with the essence of what you are. Once you have reached that level you cannot help but draw incredible matching potential partners to you.
In our Law of Attraction Masterclass you will learn how to:
- Create a fundamental emotional basis without a desperate need to fill your void
- Discern the right from the wrong potential partners
- Be in charge and freely select your favorite playmate
- Stop searching and instead draw true love to you
- Manifest love and live a balanced and exciting romantic relationship

Miguel Kirjon
AMAYEN Founder & Life Coach
Miguel has coached hundreds of international clients for over 20 years, teaching essential time-proven practices to transform their lives towards growth, love, and freedom. Your life is about to get supercharged in a delightful way!
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