How Meditation helps you to Manifest your Desire
By learning and understanding the fundamental principles of the Law of Attraction you are able to design your life experience. You can literally have, be or do anything you want.
To do this successfully though you need to be able to be in tune with your inner world as well as focus your thoughts in a certain way. You need to take control over how you think, feel, and believe.
As you will learn in our Law of Attraction Masterclass part of the process is to apply specific methods and practices in your daily life. Another part has to do with listening to your Inner Being. In other words, you also need to be able to follow your gut instinct, receive impulses and read your intuition.
The passageway between you and you
The only reason to practice meditation is to allow a passageway between your physical self and your Inner Being. That’s it. And it’s not as complicated as you might think.
You need to become sensitive enough to do that. To focus inward is the only way to your desires. Action alone will not suffice. You only have a chance to succeed when deliberately connecting to your Inner Being.
Slow but steady wins the race
A daily meditation routine of, let’s say, 15 minutes per day will do the trick. All this easy practice does is get you to slow down your thoughts and therefore calm your emotions. In computer terms, it’s about resetting your software program.
Preferably you want to do this in the morning right after taking a shower and brushing your teeth. Why? Because your thought world and emotional state haven’t yet been influenced by messages, emails, kids, etc.
Every time you wake up it’s like being born again. It’s a fresh start, your day is full of potential and you can much easier direct your thoughts more.
As a beginner, it’s unlikely to notice the positive effects of a meditation routine right away. It takes practice. Give it a couple of months and together with the other practices that we teach in our Law of Attraction Masterclass you definitely will feel a far more balanced state of mind and an increased sense of sure-footedness in life.

Miguel Kirjon
AMAYEN Founder & Life Coach
Miguel has coached hundreds of international clients for over 20 years, teaching essential time-proven practices to transform their lives towards growth, love, and freedom. Your life is about to get supercharged in a delightful way!
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Do you envy successful people who are effortlessly manifesting money and can afford just about anything they desire?
Do you often feel left behind and a financial victim of circumstances? Are you struggling to pay your bills every month? Or are you already wealthy but you like the idea of more money flowing to you without risk and effort?
Good news for everybody
First of all, rest assured that manifesting money is a skill that anybody can learn. All it takes is an intention, an open mind, focus, and the willingness to practice certain methods daily to manifest money.
No doubt, your dreams can come true. With over 20 years of coaching experience, I have seen it happen numerous times with clients who have stayed in touch with me.
Our down-to-earth learning approach for manifesting money with the Law of Attraction Masterclass will make it easy for you to understand the process and will guide you with essential proven steps to manifest wealth.
This course is unlike the free advice available on the internet! To reliably manifest prosperity and achieve what you want is a combination of profound knowledge, willpower, and at the same time a relaxed mindset.
Why do you want to manifest money?
Whether you want a 20% increase in your paycheck or you want to become a millionaire you will learn all the necessary steps needed to achieve this. But why, in fact, do you want more money?
The question seems kind of obvious and the all too common answers are usually about being free from obligations, quitting a job, buying a dream home, improving a lifestyle, traveling the world, and so on.
All in all, it always comes down to being able to do whatever you wanna do at any given time without having to check your bank account first.
It’s the freedom and joy that you want. Nobody on this earth likes to be told what to do, when to do it and how to do it. We are all, consciously or unconsciously, pushing against any idea of limitations.
Most people are not aware of their natural urge to freely expand and grow, or, are too afraid of the consequences that might occur when they do. Observe your surroundings and see how many folks truly enjoy, or not, their work, their relationship, their lifestyle, etc.
Manifesting money requires you to dream big
Few, like you, dream of something bigger and are willing enough to do something about it. Your mindset is different. You want more of the good stuff. More of laughter, ease, choice, comfort, style, recognition, and fun.
Enough with the exhausting effort. Jane Fonda who promoted the phrase “No Pain, No Gain” in the 80s has no place in the Law of Attraction world. The expression “Mind over matter,” though, is more appropriate because you create your life experience by the way you think and feel.
How much money do you want?
No, really, how much is enough? Can there be ever enough? Your physical and mental bodies are continuously evolving and so are your desires.
No matter how much money you believe is enough to realize your current wishes and to make you happy there will always be more to desire. It’s a completely natural development and the universe has an unlimited supply.
So, don’t put a limit on your financial freedom. Because it’s not about achieving a certain level of wealth but becoming a continuous money magnet in an effortless way. It’s like manifesting love. You never can get enough of it.
Manifesting money without hindering beliefs
Okay. Most people accept the idea of the Law of Attraction being useful to manifest love or a satisfying job, etc. But when it comes to manifesting money doubt usually sets in because you were most likely involuntarily programmed from a young age that money is hard to get by and that it takes strong effort and discipline to create wealth.
You will encounter mental barriers to prosperity to some degree. That’s totally normal. If you knowingly or unknowingly carry negative beliefs about being rich then this hinders you drastically to manifest money. Our Law of Attraction Masterclass will teach you how to get around this.
How do you become a money magnet?
By the way you think and feel. In other words, the frequency you vibrate. This is as hard or easy, as simple or complex, as it needs to be. If you learn how to tune your vibrations and consequently direct the flow of your energy you will be unstoppable.
If you are not in the vicinity of said vibrational frequency, your attempts to actualize all your prosperity dreams will be futile! Most folks are not aware of this and often fail to see positive results.
Money is the result of how you line up energy. The fact is, the world is awash with prosperity. Some people effortlessly get richer by the minute and others struggle to make ends meet no matter how hard they work.
Why is that? It’s all about your mindset. There is no need for you to get or attract money from somewhere but instead to consciously allow yourself to swim downstream in the already existing flow of abundance.
This all might sound a bit exotic to you right now. However, once you understand the fundamental detailed principles of the Law of Attraction as taught in our masterclass you will totally get it.
Many times you hear about creating vision boards, doing positive affirmations, having a positive mindset for goal setting, and using the power of intentions. But you should know that there are many more factors to be considered.
I am talking about nuances that can make or break your manifestation techniques. But, rest assured, if you sincerely and purposefully follow the instructions and practices in our Law of Attraction masterclass nothing can stop you from becoming truly wealthy.

Miguel Kirjon
AMAYEN Founder & Life Coach
Miguel has coached hundreds of international clients for over 20 years, teaching essential time-proven practices to transform their lives towards growth, love, and freedom. Your life is about to get supercharged in a delightful way!
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