Successfully manifest someone out of your life
Please read the basic principles of the Law of Attraction first so that you can understand this article easier and be successful when you intend to manifest someone out of your life.
Let’s say you had enough of the company of a certain person. But either you can’t let go of the other or the individual can’t let go of you. Either way, you feel stuck and you are not enjoying facing any further confrontations.
The good news is, you don’t have to. You can indeed create a distance between both of you by only working with your thoughts and vibrations. The way you think and feel is the secret. Positive results can come quite rapidly.
The important point is that you understand that any actions against or detrimental thoughts about the other person will make your situation worse.
Why? Because you still give your attention to the problem. And everything you give your attention to expands. Even in the worst-case scenario, the only long-term solution is to change your focus from what you don’t want to what you want.
And this you can do in two simple steps:
1. Make peace with the now
First of all, as long as you are bothered by something or someone you are in no state of improving your situation. And you make it worse when you talk with others about your issue. Every time you focus on that person who you want to manifest out of your life, you draw this individual closer to you.
It would be best if you learned to balance your emotions no matter what the outer world throws at you. You reset your energies. You become neutral. It must become close to irrelevant if you are in contact with that other person. Only from a clean slate can you start fresh.
This is the first important step.
It’s unlikely you can do that from one day to the next. But, you can do it over time with specific practices which we teach in our Law of Attraction Masterclass and Law of Attraction Workshop retreats.
2. Change your focus
Now it’s time that you redirect your focus. Anything in your life that you stop feeding your attention to must fade out of your experience. It’s a universal law.
The sole path to manifest someone out of your life is to focus your attention on something else. If you truly get the concept of this then you are home free. This is how the Law of Attraction works.
What should I focus on instead, you ask? Well, preferably anything that makes you feel good and excites you. Easier said than done, I know. But that is your job. And only you can do it.
All you have to do is spend more air time on something you want instead of the unwanted. It is as simple as that. And it always works if you do it right.
In real life, it means don’t think about that person anymore even though the individual might be in your face. Don’t pick up the phone or answer text messages and emails.
However, do what is necessary in case you share a household or if you have kids together, etc. But don’t become angry, upset, or frustrated anymore. Stay calm no matter what.
You will notice after a while how everything naturally balances itself out. It has to. It is basic physics. When you turn your attention away from something it will no longer be in your life experience.

Miguel Kirjon
AMAYEN Founder & Life Coach
Miguel has coached hundreds of international clients for over 20 years, teaching essential time-proven practices to transform their lives towards growth, love, and freedom. Your life is about to get supercharged in a delightful way!
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